January 23, 2006

I Heart The Lord

No Job / I Love JH

Oh My Darling / I Love JH

Word on the street has it that the mysterious letters in the name I Love JH refer to both Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jesus H. Christ. But listening to the first single from ILJH's debut LP (which came out yesterday), one gets the sense that they might as well stand for the singer's middle-school boyfriend and that delicious Josh Hartnett. Whatever you believe, "No Job" is gummy and reasonably representative of Korean indie pop. The lyrics are in English and only occasionally of any interest ("I don't wanna talk about life"), but the hooks are in all the right spots.

Mildly related: According to both Dan Brown and part four of the Bible, Jesus' full middle name is Herbert. But they are wrong. Like Harry Truman, Jesus has a middle initial that refers only to itself.


Anonymous said...

i love js

Anonymous said...

Like Harry Truman, Jesus has a middle initial that refers only to itself.

well done, my boy. re: abbreviations without long forms, you have identified (and foolishly publicized) the first signpost on a long but predictable road to the enslavement of humankind by... robots. or machines, whatever. now you die.

-gay sex